STARR Process

Unleashing Behavioral Intelligence®


The Power of Presence

To make intentional changes, we must first learn to interrupt unproductive patterns. This step emphasizes:

  • Interrupting habitual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Grounding oneself in the present moment.
  • Techniques like relaxation, mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to achieve mental clarity and focus.


Articulating Goals and Motivations

Thoughtful reflection and clarity are pivotal in defining our path forward. Here we delve into:

  • Clearly articulating personal and professional goals.
  • Identifying core motivations and purpose.
  • Understanding the weight of each goal through questions like “What do I want?”, “Why do I want it?”, and “How much do I want it?”.


A deep dive into self and surroundings

Knowledge of oneself and one’s environment is key to effective growth. This phase focuses on:

  • Recognizing and understanding personal strengths and areas of improvement.
  • Appreciating the diversity in communication styles and characteristics of those around us.
  • Aligning personal communication styles with others to foster better collaboration and understanding.


Proactive and Intentional Action

With the foundation set, it’s time for informed action. This involves:

  • Implementing planned behaviors and routines, even in the face of challenges.
  • Emphasizing active listening and adaptive communication for mutual understanding and effective collaboration.


The Cycle of continuous improvement

No journey is without its need for course corrections. Reviewing helps in:

  • Objectively evaluating the effectiveness of actions against set goals.
  • Refining strategies based on feedback and self-reflection.
  • Setting the stage for future endeavors and challenges.

Embrace the STARR Journey

The essence of the STARR Process transcends its steps; it represents a life philosophy. By weaving the principles of Stop, Think, Assess, Respond, and Review into one’s daily life, the transformative power of Behavioral Intelligence® becomes accessible, paving the way for both personal and professional triumphs.

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