Solutions (Individuals) - App Features

Explore the rich array of app features myBiQ offers, each designed to meet your individual development needs. Our app provides a structured approach to enhancing your Behavioral Intelligence®.

Personal Growth Essentials

STARR Skills

Dive into the STARR skills to acquire the tools for making intentional behavioral changes.

Goal Setting

Set purpose-based personal and professional goals that drive your success.


Complete various assessments to gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.

Behavioral Reviews

Evaluate your behavioral effectiveness and refine your plans for future success.


Tap into the power of visualization techniques to enhance your performance.

Coaching & Support

Access coaching resources and accountability support that keep you on track.

Resource Center

Find a wealth of resources to aid your journey to improved Behavioral Intelligence®.

Join Us on the Journey

We invite you to explore the depths of Behavioral Intelligence® with us. Together, let’s redefine what success looks like, one behavioral change at a time.

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